The aging population (people >60 yr old) is steadily increasing worldwide, resulting in an increased prevalence of age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Despite intensive research efforts in the past decades, there are still no therapies available to stop, cure, or prevent these diseases. Induction of successful neuroregeneration (i.e., the production of new neurons that can functionally integrate into the existing neural circuitry) could represent a therapy to replace neurons lost by injury or disease in the aged central nervous system. The African turquoise killifish, with its particularly short life span, has emerged as a useful model to study how aging influences neuroregeneration. Here, we describe a robust and reproducible stab-injury protocol to study regeneration in the telencephalon of the African turquoise killifish. After the injury, newborn cells are traced by conducting a BrdU pulse-chase experiment. To identify newborn neurons, a double immunohistochemical staining for BrdU and HuCD is carried out. Techniques such as bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling, intracardial perfusion, cryosectioning, and immunofluorescence staining are described as separate sections.
© 2024 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.