Tinnitus pathophysiology has been associated with an atypical cortical network that involves functional changes in auditory and non-auditory areas. Numerous resting-state studies have replicated a tinnitus brain network to be significantly different from healthy-controls. Yet it is still unknown whether the cortical reorganization is attributed to the tinnitus frequency specifically or if it is frequency-irrelevant. Employing magnetoencephalography (MEG), the current study aimed to identify frequency-specific activity patterns by using an individual tinnitus tone (TT) and a 500 Hz-control tone (CT) as auditory stimuli, across 54 tinnitus patients. MEG data were analyzed in a data-driven approach employing a whole-head model in source space and in sources' functional connectivity. Compared to the CT, the event related source space analysis revealed a statistically significant response to TT involving fronto-parietal regions. The CT mainly involved typical auditory activation-related regions. A comparison of the cortical responses to a healthy control group that underwent the same paradigm rejected the alternative interpretation that the frequency-specific activation differences were due to the higher frequency of the TT. Overall, the results suggest frequency-specificity of tinnitus-related cortical patterns. In line with previous studies, we demonstrated a tinnitus-frequency specific network comprising left fronto-temporal, fronto-parietal and tempo-parietal junctions.
Keywords: Frequency-specificity; Functional connectivity; Magnetoencephalography; Tinnitus; Tinnitus Frequency; Tinnitus brain network.
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