Background: The dorsal brainstem and cerebellomesencephalic fissure are challenging surgical targets. To afford a preferentially craniocaudal trajectory to this region, the precuneal interhemispheric transtentorial approach (PCIT) has been proposed.
Objective: To didactically describe and compare exposures and anatomic indications of the supracerebellar infratentorial approach (SCIT) and PCIT to the cerebellomesencephalic fissure.
Methods: Nine formalin-fixed, latex-injected cadaveric head specimens were used to perform a midline SCIT and bilateral PCITs and measure the distance of each approach. Twenty-four formalin-fixed specimens were used to measure the distance from the most posterior cortical bridging vein entering the superior sagittal sinus to the calcarine sulcus and the torcula. Fifty-one magnetic resonance images were reviewed to calculate the angle of each approach. Three illustrative surgical cases were described.
Results: Mean distances from the brain or cerebellar surface to the operative target of the PCIT and SCIT were 7.1 cm (range: 5-7.7 cm) and 5.5 cm (range: 3.8-6.2 cm), respectively. The SCIT provided direct access to structures of the quadrigeminal cistern bilaterally. The PCIT provided access from the ipsilateral inferior colliculus to the ipsilateral infratrochlear zone. The PCIT's benefit was the direct access it provided to the cerebellomesencephalic fissure because of its superior to inferior trajectory.
Conclusion: The PCIT is indicated for unilateral lesions of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure and dorsal brainstem that harbor a craniocaudal long axis and do not have a superior extension beyond the superior colliculi. The SCIT is beneficial for lesions that extend bilaterally, have an anteroposterior long axis, or involve the Galenic complex.
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