6PPD, a tire rubber antioxidant, poses substantial ecological risks because it can form a highly toxic quinone transformation product (TP), 6PPD-quinone (6PPDQ), during exposure to gas-phase ozone. Important data gaps exist regarding the structures, reaction mechanisms, and environmental occurrence of TPs from 6PPD ozonation. To address these data gaps, gas-phase ozonation of 6PPD was conducted over 24-168 h and ozonation TPs were characterized using high-resolution mass spectrometry. The probable structures were proposed for 23 TPs with 5 subsequently standard-verified. Consistent with prior findings, 6PPDQ (C18H22N2O2) was one of the major TPs in 6PPD ozonation (∼1 to 19% yield). Notably, 6PPDQ was not observed during ozonation of 6QDI (N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-quinonediimine), indicating that 6PPDQ formation does not proceed through 6QDI or associated 6QDI TPs. Other major 6PPD TPs included multiple C18H22N2O and C18H22N2O2 isomers, with presumptive N-oxide, N,N'-dioxide, and orthoquinone structures. Standard-verified TPs were quantified in roadway-impacted environmental samples, with total concentrations of 130 ± 3.2 μg/g in methanol extracts of tire tread wear particles (TWPs), 34 ± 4 μg/g-TWP in aqueous TWP leachates, 2700 ± 1500 ng/L in roadway runoff, and 1900 ± 1200 ng/L in roadway-impacted creeks. These data demonstrate that 6PPD TPs are likely an important and ubiquitous class of contaminants in roadway-impacted environments.
Keywords: 6PPD; 6QDI; N-oxide; air; ozone; roadway environments; tire tread wear particles.