Background: Transvaginal Hydro Laparoscopy (THL) is known as a minimal invasive procedure allowing endoscopic exploration of the female pelvis.
Objective: To evaluate the possibilities of the THL as a tool for early diagnosis and treatment of minimal endometriosis.
Materials and methods: A retrospective study of a consecutive series of 2288 patients referred for fertility problems to a tertiary centre for reproductive medicine was undertaken. Mean duration of infertility was 23.6 months (SD ±11-48), mean age of patients was 31.25 (SD± 3.8y). With normal findings at clinical and ultrasound examination patients underwent, as part of their fertility exploration, a THL.
Main outcome measures: Evaluation of feasibility, identified pathology and pregnancy rate.
Results: Endometriosis was diagnosed in 365 patients (16%); the localisation was higher on the left side (n=237) than on the right side (n=169). Small endometriomas, with diameters between 0.5 and 2 cm, were present in 24.3% (right side in 31, left side 48 and bilateral 10). These early lesions were characterised by the presence of active endometrial like cells and a pronounced neo-angiogenesis. Destruction of the endometriotic lesions with bipolar energy resulted in an in vivo pregnancy rate (spontaneous/IUI) of 43.8% (CPR after 8 months: spontaneous 57.7%; IUI/AID 29.7%).
Conclusion: THL allowed in a minimally invasive way an accurate diagnosis of the early stages of peritoneal and ovarian endometriosis with the possibility of offering treatment with minimal damage.
What is new?: This is the largest series reporting the usefulness of THL for the diagnosis and treatment of peritoneal and ovarian endometriosis in patients without obviously visible preoperative pelvic pathology.