Delineation of an intra-isthmus reentry circuit around the coronary sinus ostium using an ultrahigh-resolution mapping system

Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J. 2023 Jul-Aug;23(4):133-134. doi: 10.1016/j.ipej.2023.04.014. Epub 2023 Apr 12.


  1. Intra-isthmus reentry is a variant of cavotricuspid isthmus-dependent atrial flutter.

  2. Intra-isthmus reentry circuit can involve the rotational activation around the coronary sinus ostium.

  3. Ultrahigh-resolution mapping can help delineate the complete intra-isthmus reentry circuit.

Keywords: Atrial flutter; Cavotricuspid isthmus; Intra-isthmus reentry; Ultrahigh-resolution mapping.