Impact of Overbasalization on Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Large Randomized Controlled Trial

Clin Diabetes. 2023 Spring;41(2):147-153. doi: 10.2337/cd22-0046. Epub 2022 Jul 12.


The American Diabetes Association's Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes emphasize the need for awareness regarding overbasalization (basal insulin doses >0.5 units/kg/day without bolus insulin) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, outcomes data on the impact of overbasalization are limited. This post hoc analysis of a large randomized controlled trial suggests that an insulin therapy regimen involving overbasalization compared with a basal-bolus insulin regimen that avoids overbasalization is less effective at lowering A1C and may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Clinicians should consider alternative approaches to glycemic control before increasing basal insulin doses to >0.5 units/kg/day.