Performance of a Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Device to Predict Pork Primal Belly Fat Iodine Value and Loin Lean Intramuscular Fat Content

Foods. 2023 Apr 13;12(8):1629. doi: 10.3390/foods12081629.


The increase in market demand and economic value of Canadian pork primal cuts has led to a need to assess advanced technologies capable of measuring quality traits. Fat and lean composition were measured using a Tellspec near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy device to predict the pork belly fat iodine value (IV) and loin lean intramuscular fat (IMF) content in 158 pork belly primals and 419 loin chops. The calibration model revealed a 90.6% and 88.9% accuracy for the Tellspec NIR to predict saturated fatty acids (SFA) and IV, respectively, in the belly fat. The calibration model accuracy for the other belly fatty acids revealed an accuracy of 66.3-86.1%. Using the Tellspec NIR to predict loin lean IMF reported a lower accuracy for moisture (R2 = 60) and fat % (R2 = 40.4). This suggests that Tellspec NIR spectroscopy measures on the pork belly primal offers a cost-efficient, rapid, accurate, and non-invasive indicator of pork belly IV and could be used for the classification for specific markets.

Keywords: Tellspec; iodine value; loin chop; near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy; pork belly.