Introduction: In diabetic patients, platelets are known to be hyper-reactive with sub threshold stimuli leading to accelerated thrombopoiesis because of their rapid consumption in thrombus formation. HbA1C provides reliable measure of chronic glycemica and correlates with the risk of long term diabetes complications, so that it is currently considered the test of choice for monitoring and management of diabetes mellitus.
Materials: 85 consecutive patients on the basis of case selection criteria, presenting to the outpatient and inpatient department of General Medicine were included in the study The purpose of the study and procedures involved were explained to all the patients included in the study in their own language and thereafter an informed consent was taken. Detailed history and clinical examination was done.
Result: Statistically positive correlation between MPV and HbA1C levels in diabetic patients with micro-and macrovascular complications, such that for every 1 unit increase in HbA1C (%), the MPV (fl) increases by 0.20 units. Conversely, for every 1 unit increase in MPV (fl), the HbA1C (%) increases by 0.83 units. No statistically significant correlation between MPV and HbA1C in controlled diabetic group.
Conclusion: A statistically significant positive correlation was observed between MPV and HbA1C in whole population of study subjects as well as in uncontrolled diabetic group.
© Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 2011.