Signs of skeletal dysplasias are relatively common in fetuses with abnormal ultrasound (US) findings. The diversity of congenital skeletal disorders, the possibility of late-onset severe phenotypes and overlapping syndromes can be a challenge in the way of diagnosis, even if prenatal high-throuput sequencing allows for a better diagnosis, prognosis and genetic counseling. Hajdu-Cheney spectrum pathologies are rarely described in prenatal, and the signs associated remain poorly known, and do not include specific postnatal signs as acro-osteolysis and premature osteoporosis. We hereby report a couple for whom a medical termination of pregnancy was performed because a severe polymalformative syndrome associating severely short limbs with bowed long bones, severe cardiopathy, hyperechogenic kidneys and dysmorphism. After fetopathological and radiological examinations, Exome Sequencing (ES) was performed and revealed a de novo truncating mutation in the last exon of NOTCH2, responsible for Hajdu-Cheney or Serpentine Fibula Polycystic Kidney syndromes.
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