Calcium measurements in enzymatically dissociated or mechanically microdissected mouse primary skeletal muscle fibers

STAR Protoc. 2023 Apr 30;4(2):102260. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102260. Online ahead of print.


Here, we provide a protocol for isolation of mouse primary skeletal muscle fibers using two alternative approaches-enzymatic dissociation or mechanical microdissection. We describe the procedures for surgical removal of muscle of interest and isolation of intact single-muscle fibers by either collagenase digestion or mechanical microdissection. We then detail intracellular calcium measurements by microinjecting or loading the isolated muscle fibers with membrane permeable calcium dyes. Finally, we outline steps for intracellular calcium quantification by fluorescent measurement. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Gineste et al.1.

Keywords: Biotechnology and bioengineering; Cell culture; Cell isolation; Microscopy.