To better understand the origin of the high diversity and endemism in the Southern Alps of Europe, we investigated the phylogeny and population structure of the rock-dwelling snail group Chilostoma (Cingulifera) in the Southern Alps. We generated genomic ddRAD data and mitochondrial sequences of 104 Cingulifera specimens from 28 populations and 14 other Ariantinae. Until recently, about 30 Cingulifera taxa were classified as subspecies of a single polytypic species. The phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of the ddRAD data and mitochondrial sequences revealed that Cingulifera in the Southern Alps is differentiated into three species. Each of the three Chilostoma (Cingulifera) species occupies disjunct sub-areas, which are separated by areas occupied by other Chilostoma taxa. Neighbouring populations of different species show little or no admixture. Tests indicating that the genetic differentiation of the three Cingulifera taxa cannot be explained by isolation by distance confirmed their species status. The disjunct range patterns demonstrate the importance of stochastic events such as passive long-distance dispersal for the evolution of population structure and speciation in these snails, and of priority effects and ecological competition as important factors influencing species distributions.
Keywords: Chilostoma cingulatum; Land snails; Long-distance dispersal; Southern Alps; Species range; ddRAD.
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