BACKGROUND Jail detention can disrupt the continuity of care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). Using a state's "Data to Care" (D2C) program might help overcome this barrier, but raises important questions of data security, personal privacy, resource allocation, and logistics.METHODS As part of a study involving in-depth expert stakeholder interviews, a 1-day workshop was convened to identify and discuss potential ethical challenges in extending North Carolina's D2C program to jail settings. Workshop participants included public health officials, community advocates, HIV clinicians, jail administrators, privacy experts, criminal justice researchers, and a formerly incarcerated PLWH. Workshop participants discussed the results of earlier stakeholder interviews with the goal of identifying the most important points to consider in assessing the merits of extending D2C surveillance to jail settings.RESULTS Although the workshop participants expressed support for improving the continuity of HIV care for jail detainees, they had mixed perspectives on whether a jail-based D2C program should include in-jail or post-release follow-up interventions. Their positions were influenced by their views on 4 sets of implementation issues: privacy/data-sharing; government assistance/overreach; HIV criminalization/exceptionalism; and community engagement.LIMITATIONS The limitations of this stakeholder engagement exercise include its purposive recruitment, relatively small number of participants, and limited duration.CONCLUSIONS Improving the continuity of HIV care in particular jail settings will depend on a number of local considerations. In deciding between models featuring in-jail and post-release follow-up care, the most important of these considerations will be the possibility of establishing good partnerships between the jail, the health department, and the community. Additional research on the dynamics and impact of different models is needed.
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