Leptin is an adipokine with a pleiotropic impact on many physiological processes, including hypothalamic-pituitary-somatotropic (HPS) axis activity, which plays a key role in regulating mammalian metabolism. Leptin insensitivity/resistance is a pathological condition in humans, but in seasonal animals, it is a physiological adaptation. Therefore, these animals represent a promising model for studying this phenomenon. This study aimed to determine the influence of leptin on the activity of the HPS axis. Two in vivo experiments performed during short- and long-day photoperiods were conducted on 12 ewes per experiment, and the ewes were divided randomly into 2 groups. The arcuate nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, anterior pituitary (AP) tissues, and blood were collected. The concentration of growth hormone (GH) was measured in the blood, and the relative expression of GHRH, SST, GHRHR, SSTR1, SSTR2, SSTR3, SSTR5, LEPR, and GH was measured in the collected brain structures. The study showed that the photoperiod, and therefore leptin sensitivity, plays an important role in regulating HPS axis activity in the seasonal ewe. However, leptin influences the release of GH in a season-dependent manner, and its effect seems to be targeted at the posttranscriptional stages of GH secretion.
Keywords: anterior pituitary; growth hormone; growth hormone resistance; hypothalamus; leptin; leptin receptor; leptin resistance; photoperiod.