A usual practice in medicine is to search for "biomarkers" which are measurable quantities of a normal or abnormal biological process. Biomarkers can be biochemical or physical quantities of the body and although commonly used statistically in clinical settings, it is not usual for them to be connected to basic physiological models or equations. In this work, a normative blood velocity model framework for the exchange microvessels was introduced, combining the velocity-diffusion (V-J) equation and statistics, in order to define the normative range (NR) and normative area (NA) diagrams for discriminating normal (normemic) from abnormal (hyperemic or underemic) states, taking into account the microvessel diameter D. This is different from the usual statistical processing since there is a basis on the well-known physiological principle of the flow diffusion equation. The discriminative power of the average axial velocity model was successfully tested using a group of healthy individuals (Control Group) and a group of post COVID-19 patients (COVID-19 Group).
Keywords: COVID-19; ES diagram; Model; NA diagram; NR diagram; axial velocity; biomarker; capillaries; exchange microvessels; hyperemic; normative; postcapillary venules; underemic; velocity-diffusion equation.