Taking regulating the thoroughfare vessel and the conception vessel, tonifying liver and kidney, calming mind as the treatment principle, Tiaojing Cuyun acupuncture (acupuncture for regulating menstruation and promoting pregnancy) is commonly used in clinical treatment of diseases with ovarian function decline, and recommends full cycle acupuncture treatment. Clinical research shows that Tiaojing Cuyun acupuncture can improve menstruation and ovulation, increase the reserve function and response of ovary as well as endometrial receptivity, so as to improve the pregnancy outcome. It can also improve the related symptoms caused by negative emotions and low estrogen, and comprehensively enhance the health related quality of life in patients. The mechanism of Tiaojing Cuyun acupuncture mainly involves 2 aspects, i.e. overall regulation on hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary (HPO) axis and the local regulation on FSH/cAMP signal transduction in ovarian granulosa cells.
Keywords: acupuncture; diseases with ovarian function decline; regulating menstruation and promoting pregnancy.