Uterine adenosarcoma is a very rare malignancy defined as a biphasic tumor composed of both benign epithelial component and a malignant sarcoma component. The stage of the disease is determined by the presence of myometrial invasion and the extent of extra-uterine disease. The most important histopronostic factors are the existence of a sarcomatous overgrowth defined by a sarcomatous contingent occupying more than 25 % of the volume of the tumor (directly correlated to the grade of the disease), the presence of a heterologous and/or a high-grade component. Stage I adenosarcomas without sarcomatous overgrowth have a good prognosis, with an overall 5-year survival of up to 80 %. In localized disease, complete surgical removal is recommended. The role of hormone therapy, chemotherapy and adjuvant radiotherapy is not established. If possible, relapses should be re-treated surgically, with the aim of achieving complete resection. In the advanced inoperable or metastatic setting, hormone therapy is an option for low-grade adenosarcomas with estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) overexpression. For high-grade tumors, the standard chemotherapies are doxorubicin-based combinations, although an integrated approach of surgery and medical treatment should also be considered in this setting.
Keywords: Adenosarcoma; Adénosarcome; Perspectives; Rareté; Rarity; Sarcome utérin; Uterine sarcoma.
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