Summary: The RaggedExperiment R / Bioconductor package provides lossless representation of disparate genomic ranges across multiple specimens or cells, in conjunction with efficient and flexible calculations of rectangular-shaped summaries for downstream analysis. Applications include statistical analysis of somatic mutations, copy number, methylation, and open chromatin data. RaggedExperiment is compatible with multimodal data analysis as a component of MultiAssayExperiment data objects, and simplifies data representation and transformation for software developers and analysts.
Motivation and results: Measurement of copy number, mutation, single nucleotide polymorphism, and other genomic attributes that may be stored as VCF files produce "ragged" genomic ranges data: i.e. across different genomic coordinates in each sample. Ragged data are not rectangular or matrix-like, presenting informatics challenges for downstream statistical analyses. We present the RaggedExperiment R/Bioconductor data structure for lossless representation of ragged genomic data, with associated reshaping tools for flexible and efficient calculation of tabular representations to support a wide range of downstream statistical analyses. We demonstrate its applicability to copy number and somatic mutation data across 33 TCGA cancer datasets.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.