Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are battery-powered devices containing a liquid based on propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin. These compounds, when vaporized, act as a vehicle for nicotine, flavors, and other chemical components. These devices have been marketed without clear evidence of risks, long-term safety, and efficacy. Toxicological data show lower plasma concentrations of carbon monoxide and other cancer-inducing substances as compared to traditional smoking. However, several studies have highlighted an increase in sympathetic tone, vascular stiffness, and endothelial dysfunction, all factors associated with cardiovascular risk that, however, is largely inferior to the cardiovascular risk related to traditional smoking. Recent clinical studies have shown how the use of e-cigarettes, combined with adequate psychological support, can be effective in reducing traditional smoking but not nicotine addiction. New policy directives are focusing on the possibility to ban some deleterious products in favor of the use of low-nicotine devices able to promote smoking cessation and reducing the risk of addiction, especially in young people. The use of e-cigarettes among smokers might be promoted with the specific aim of facilitating smoke cessation, but non-smokers and adolescents should be warned against using such devices. Finally, particular attention should be paid to smokers so that the combined use of electronic and traditional cigarettes can be limited as much as possible.