This study examined the management of occupational bloodborne pathogen exposure at a tertiary hospital in China. This prospective study was conducted at the Zhejiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine between January 2016 and December 2019. Data on bloodborne occupational exposure management were collected. In total, 460 exposures were reported. The majority of exposures (40.2 %) were from hepatitis B virus (HBV)-positive index patients. Of the 460 cases, 453 (98.5%) exposures were reported timeously, and 371 (80.7%) cases received emergency treatment response and management. Sixty-eight personnel (93.2%) received timely prophylaxis treatment. Only 82/113 (72.6%) personnel completed the recommended follow-up period. Outsourced personnel(P = 0.002) and interns (P = 0.011) were independent follow-up factors. Although adequate compliance was achieved with timely reporting and prophylactic medication, there is room for improvement in terms of emergency treatment response and follow-up compliance. Furthermore, HBV vaccination and improved follow-up with outsourced personnel are recommended.
Keywords: China; bloodborne pathogens; health personnel; occupational exposure; prospective studies.