Introduction: Epidural analgesia is one of the most effective and fast anesthesia techniques to relieve labor pain. The technique involves inserting a needle in the epidural space that covers the spinal cord, providing a full block of sensation in the lower part of the abdomen and the lower limbs that starts seconds to minutes after the administration, while the effects last for a couple of hours after. This study assessed women's knowledge of epidural analgesia in the Al-Qassim Province of Saudi Arabia.
Methods: The study was conducted through a descriptive cross-sectional survey distributed among citizens of Qassim Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from October 2022 to February 2023. The respondents were selected randomly via social media advertising, and only women older than 18 were allowed to participate in the survey.
Results: Out of 520 responses, 483 met the study criteria. This study found significant associations between awareness levels of epidural analgesia and pregnancy history. Women who had previous histories reported epidural analgesia as the most effective means of pain control (p < 0.001), postpartum back pain as the major complication (p = 0.025), being used by the majority of other women (p = 0.022), and the potential for epidural analgesia to yield complications (p < 0.001). This means that other studies are required to explore more such associations to widen the scope of this field of study.
Conclusion: This study highlights the mixed awareness levels of epidural analgesia among Saudi women from the Qassim area. The awareness provided by clinics or hospitals is limited, and further research is required to explore the awareness levels of epidural analgesia. Overall, the study highlights the need for a concerted effort by healthcare providers to improve the awareness and uptake of epidural analgesia in the Qassim area and beyond.
Keywords: anesthesia; anesthesia knowledge; awareness; epidural analgesia; saudi adults.
Copyright © 2023, Geddawy et al.