The authors have evaluated the effect of stimulation of the breast on uterine tone in a series of 25 patients at term where induction of labour was indicated for obstetric reasons. In 64% of cases breast stimulation carried out for 30 minutes was followed by uterine contractions. In 20% of these cases the authors found that the uterus contracted strongly and in two patients so strongly as to cause fetal heart slowing. Breast stimulation matures the cervix slightly but this is not statistically significant for Bishop's score. In 16% of case breast stimulation provoked labour. Analysing these results and studying the literature shows that the effect is linked to the degree of cervical maturity at the onset and the effect of stimulation depends also on the length of time the stimulation was carried out. In practice the use of breast stimulation is limited because of the risks of hypertonic contractions and this is turn requires careful fetal heart monitoring.