Background: Floral nectar is the most common reward flowers offered to pollinators. The quality and quantity of nectar produced by a plant species provide a key to understanding its interactions with pollinators and predicting rates of reproductive success. However, nectar secretion is a dynamic process with a production period accompanied or followed by reabsorption and reabsorption remains an understudied topic. In this study, we compared nectar volume and sugar concentration in the flowers of two long-spurred orchid species, Habenaria limprichtii and H. davidii (Orchidaceae). We also compared sugar concentration gradients within their spurs and rates of reabsorption of water and sugars.
Results: Both species produced diluted nectar with sugar concentrations from 17 to 24%. Analyses of nectar production dynamics showed that as flowers of both species wilted almost all sugar was reabsorbed while the original water was retained in their spurs. We established a nectar sugar concentration gradient for both species, with differences in sugar concentrations at their spur's terminus and at their spur's entrance (sinus). Sugar concentration gradient levels were 1.1% in H. limprichtii and 2.8% in H. davidii, both decreasing as flowers aged.
Conclusion: We provided evidence for the reabsorption of sugars but not water occurred in wilted flowers of both Habenaria species. Their sugar concentration gradients vanished as flowers aged suggesting a slow process of sugar diffusion from the nectary at the spur's terminus where the nectar gland is located. The processes of nectar secretion/reabsorption in conjunction with the dilution and hydration of sugar rewards for moth pollinators warrant further study.
Keywords: Floral rewards; Flower age; Nectar production; Nectar reabsorption; Nectar volume and concentration.
© 2023. The Author(s).