Bezold's abscess is an extracranial complication of otitis media, in which a cervical abscess forms from the mastoid process through an ostial fistula, and is a rare condition in recent years. In this study, we experienced a X-linked agammaglobulinemia, which was discovered due to Bezold's abscess. Case: A 12-year-old boy suffering from recurrent right suppurative otitis media for three months was treated with tympanostomy and oral antibacterial therapy at a local otorhinolaryngology clinic. The patient visited the clinic due to a recurrence of symptoms. CT showed bony defects in the cortical bone and mastoid process of the lateral side of the right mastoid cell. The patient was referred to our hospital, admitted the same day and underwent emergency surgery. Intraoperative findings led to the diagnosis of acute mastoiditis and Bezold's abscess c aused b y mastoiditis spreading to the s ternocleidomastoid muscle. After drainage and administration of ABPC/SBT, the abscess disappeared, and the patient's general condition improved. Subsequently, a blood typing test performed on admission suggested the influence of low immunoglobulin levels. A close examination by the pediatric department led to a diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia. As a result, the patient receives regular immunoglobulin therapy and has been free of infection, including Bezold's abscess. CONCLUSIONS: In the case of recurrent otitis media and rare infections, congenital immune abnormalities should be considered.