A transgenic strain of pigs was created to express green fluorescent protein (GFP) ubiquitously using a pCAGG promoter. Here, we characterize GFP expression in the semilunar valves and great arteries of GFP-transgenic (GFP-Tg) pigs. Immunofluorescence was performed to visualize and quantify GFP expression and colocalization with nuclear staining. GFP expression was confirmed in both the semilunar valves and great arteries of GFP-Tg pigs compared to wild-type tissues (aorta, p = 0.0002; pulmonary artery, p = 0.0005; aortic valve; and pulmonic valve, p < 0.0001). The quantification of GFP expression in cardiac tissue allows this strain of GFP-Tg pigs to be used for future research in partial heart transplantation.
Keywords: heart transplant; immunohistochemistry; swine model; transgenic.