Smokers (SM) have increased lung immune cell counts and inflammatory gene expression compared to electronic cigarette (EC) users and never-smokers (NS). The objective of this study is to further assess associations for SM and EC lung microbiomes with immune cell subtypes and inflammatory gene expression in samples obtained by bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (n = 28). RNASeq with the CIBERSORT computational algorithm were used to determine immune cell subtypes, along with inflammatory gene expression and microbiome metatranscriptomics. Macrophage subtypes revealed a two-fold increase in M0 (undifferentiated) macrophages for SM and EC users relative to NS, with a concordant decrease in M2 (anti-inflammatory) macrophages. There were 68, 19, and 1 significantly differentially expressed inflammatory genes (DEG) between SM/NS, SM/EC users, and EC users/NS, respectively. CSF-1 and GATA3 expression correlated positively and inversely with M0 and M2 macrophages, respectively. Correlation profiling for DEG showed distinct lung profiles for each participant group. There were three bacteria genera-DEG correlations and three bacteria genera-macrophage subtype correlations. In this pilot study, SM and EC use were associated with an increase in undifferentiated M0 macrophages, but SM differed from EC users and NS for inflammatory gene expression. The data support the hypothesis that SM and EC have toxic lung effects influencing inflammatory responses, but this may not be via changes in the microbiome.
Keywords: RNA-sequencing; bronchoalveolar lavage; inflammation; metatranscriptome; vaping.