Comparative data on emotional (psychotic) aggressive biting behavior in mice of ddY strain measured by using two devices; Aggressive response meter and powerlab-compatible type aggressive response meter

Data Brief. 2023 May 12:48:109231. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109231. eCollection 2023 Jun.


The Aggressive Response Meter (ARM) has been validated for measuring emotional (psychotic) aggression triggered by mental irritation in mice. In the present article, we newly developed a device, pARM (PowerLab-compatible type ARM). We collected on the aggressive biting behavior (ABB) intensity and ABB frequency of 20 male and female mice of ddY strain studied over a period of 6 days by using pARM and the former ARM. We calculated Pearson's correlation between the values of pARM and those of ARM. The accumulated data can be referred as a basis for demonstrating the consistence of pARM and the former ARM, and used in future research to augment the understanding of stress-induced emotional aggression in mice.

Keywords: Aggressive biting behavior; Aggressive response meter; Emotional aggression; pARM.