Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB, clinically administrated as sodium oxybate) is a GABA-B/GHB receptor agonist inducing prosexual effects and progesterone secretion in humans. As the neuropeptide kisspeptin has well-established roles in regulating sexual behavior and as it was also associated with GABA-B receptor and progesterone function, we investigated the effect of two GHB doses (20 and 35 mg/kg p.o.) on plasma kisspeptin levels in 30 healthy male volunteers, using a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over design. We found no significant alterations of kisspeptin levels after GHB administration compared to placebo. In conclusion, plasma kisspeptin levels are not related to the prosexual effects of GHB.
Keywords: GHB; KISS gene; KISS1R; Kisspeptin; liquid ecstasy; neuropeptide; sexual arousal; sodium oxybate.