Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis Using an All-Suture Knotless Anchor

Arthrosc Tech. 2023 May 15;12(6):e937-e942. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2023.02.030. eCollection 2023 Jun.


The long head of the biceps tendon is a common pain generator in the anterior shoulder and is concomitantly seen with other shoulder pathology including subacromial impingement, as well as rotator cuff and labral tears. This Technical Note describes a mini-open onlay biceps tenodesis technique using all-suture knotless anchor fixation. This technique is easily reproducible, is efficient, and offers the unique benefits of providing a consistent length-tension relation and mitigating the risk of peri-implant reaction and fracture without sacrificing strength of fixation.