Exercise increases muscle glucose uptake independently of insulin signaling and represents a cornerstone for the prevention of metabolic disorders. Pharmacological activation of the exercise-responsive AMPK in skeletal muscle has been proven successful as a therapeutic approach to treat metabolic disorders by improving glucose homeostasis through the regulation of muscle glucose uptake. However, conflicting observations cloud the proposed role of AMPK as a necessary regulator of muscle glucose uptake during exercise. We show that glucose uptake increases in human skeletal muscle in the absence of AMPK activation during exercise and that exercise-stimulated AMPKγ3 activity strongly correlates to muscle glucose uptake in the postexercise period. In AMPKγ3-deficient mice, muscle glucose uptake is normally regulated during exercise and contractions but impaired in the recovery period from these stimuli. Impaired glucose uptake in recovery from exercise and contractions is associated with a lower glucose extraction, which can be explained by a diminished permeability to glucose and abundance of GLUT4 at the muscle plasma membrane. As a result, AMPKγ3 deficiency impairs muscle glycogen resynthesis following exercise. These results identify a physiological function of the AMPKγ3 complex in human and rodent skeletal muscle that regulates glucose uptake in recovery from exercise to recapture muscle energy stores.
Article highlights: Exercise-induced activation of AMPK in skeletal muscle has been proposed to regulate muscle glucose uptake in recovery from exercise. This study investigated whether the muscle-specific AMPKγ3-associated heterotrimeric complex was involved in regulating muscle glucose metabolism in recovery from exercise. The findings support that exercise-induced activation of the AMPKγ3 complex in human and mouse skeletal muscle enhances glucose uptake in recovery from exercise via increased translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. This work uncovers the physiological role of the AMPKγ3 complex in regulating muscle glucose uptake that favors replenishment of the muscle cellular energy stores.
© 2023 by the American Diabetes Association.