While adult pancreatic stem cells are thought not to exist, it is now appreciated that the acinar compartment harbors progenitors, including tissue-repairing facultative progenitors (FPs). Here, we study a pancreatic acinar population marked by trefoil factor 2 (Tff2) expression. Long-term lineage tracing and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis of Tff2-DTR-CreERT2-targeted cells defines a transit-amplifying progenitor (TAP) population that contributes to normal homeostasis. Following acute and chronic injury, Tff2+ cells, distinct from FPs, undergo depopulation but are eventually replenished. At baseline, oncogenic KrasG12D-targeted Tff2+ cells are resistant to PDAC initiation. However, KrasG12D activation in Tff2+ cells leads to survival and clonal expansion following pancreatitis and a cancer stem/progenitor cell-like state. Selective ablation of Tff2+ cells prior to KrasG12D activation in Mist1+ acinar or Dclk1+ FP cells results in enhanced tumorigenesis, which can be partially rescued by adenoviral Tff2 treatment. Together, Tff2 defines a pancreatic TAP population that protects against Kras-driven carcinogenesis.
Keywords: cell ablation; lineage tracing; pancreas; pancreatic ductal carcinoma; progenitor cells; regeneration; transit-amplifying cells; trefoil factor 2.
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