Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a disorder of low bone mass and increased fracture risk due to a range of genetic variants that prominently include mutations in genes encoding type collagen. While it is well known that OI reflects defects in the activity of bone-forming osteoblasts, it is currently unclear whether OI also reflects defects in the many other cell types comprising bone, including defects in skeletal vascular endothelium or the skeletal stem cell populations that give rise to osteoblasts and whether correcting these broader defects could have therapeutic utility. Here, we find that numbers of skeletal stem cells (SSCs) and skeletal arterial endothelial cells (AECs) are augmented in Col1a2oim/oim mice, a well-studied animal model of moderate to severe OI, suggesting that disruption of a vascular SSC niche is a feature of OI pathogenesis. Moreover, crossing Col1a2oim/oim mice to mice lacking a negative regulator of skeletal angiogenesis and bone formation, Schnurri 3 (SHN3), not only corrected the SSC and AEC phenotypes but moreover robustly corrected the bone mass and spontaneous fracture phenotypes. As this finding suggested a strong therapeutic utility of SHN3 inhibition for the treatment of OI, a bone-targeting AAV was used to mediate Shn3 knockdown, rescuing the Col1a2oim/oim phenotype and providing therapeutic proof-of-concept for targeting SHN3 for the treatment of OI. Overall, this work both provides proof-of-concept for inhibition of the SHN3 pathway and more broadly addressing defects in the stem/osteoprogentior niche as is a strategy to treat OI.
Keywords: Bone fracture; Endothelial cell; Osteogenesis imperfecta; Schnurri-3; Skeletal stem cell.