Background: HIFU ablation of liver malignancies is particularly challenging due to respiratory motion, high tissue perfusion and the presence of the rib cage. Based on our previous development of a super-convergent phased-array transducer, we aimed to further investigate, in vivo, its applicability to deep intrahepatic targets.
Methods: In a series of six pigs, a pseudo-tumor model was used as target, visible both on intra-operatory MRI and post-mortem gross pathology. The transcostal MRgHIFU ablation was prescribed coplanar with the pseudo-tumor, either axial or sagittal, but deliberately shifted 7 to 18 mm to the side. No specific means of protection of the ribs were implemented. Post-treatment MRI follow-up was performed at D7, followed by animal necropsy and gross pathology of the liver.
Results: The pseudo-tumor was clearly identified on T1w MR imaging and subsequently allowed the MRgHIFU planning. The peak temperature at the focal point ranged from 58-87 °C. Gross pathology confirmed the presence of the pseudo-tumor and the well-delineated MRgHIFU ablation at the expected locations.
Conclusions: The specific design of the transducer enabled a reliable workflow. It demonstrated a good safety profile for in vivo transcostal MRgHIFU ablation of deep-liver targets, graded as challenging for standard surgery.
Keywords: high-intensity focused ultrasound; hyperthermia; liver ablation; targeting; thermal ablation; tumor-mimicking RF markers.