Interfacial Effects in Conductivity Measurements of Block Copolymer Electrolytes

ACS Polym Au. 2023 Apr 5;3(4):331-343. doi: 10.1021/acspolymersau.2c00068. eCollection 2023 Aug 9.


The ionic conductivity in lamellar block copolymer electrolytes is often anisotropic, where the in-plane conductivity exceeds the through-plane conductivity by up to an order of magnitude. In a prior work, we showed significant anisotropy in the ionic conductivity of a lamellar block copolymer based on polystyrene (PS) and a polymer ionic liquid (PIL), and we proposed that the through-film ionic conductivity was depressed by layering of lamellar domains near the electrode surface. In the present work, we first tested that conclusion by measuring the through-plane ionic conductivity of two model PIL-based systems having controlled interfacial profiles using impedance spectroscopy. The measurements were not sensitive to changes in interfacial composition or structure, so anisotropy in the ionic conductivity of PS-block-PIL materials must arise from an in-plane enhancement rather than a through-plane depression. We then examined the origin of this in-plane enhancement with a series of PS-block-PIL materials, a P(S-r-IL) copolymer, and a PIL homopolymer, where impedance spectra were acquired with a top-contact electrode configuration. These studies show that enhanced in-plane ionic conductivities are correlated with the formation of an IL-rich wetting layer at the free surface, which presumably provides a low-resistance path for ion transport between the electrodes. Importantly, the enhanced in-plane ionic conductivities in these PS-block-PIL materials are consistent with simple geometric arguments based on properties of the PIL, while the through-plane values are an order of magnitude lower. Consequently, it is critical to understand how surface and bulk effects contribute to impedance spectroscopy measurements when developing structure-conductivity relations in this class of materials.