Respiratory disease is a significant barrier for bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) conservation, and a need remains for management options in both captive and free-ranging populations. We treated Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection in six bighorn lambs and five bighorn yearlings at two captive research facilities with twice daily oral doxycycline for 8 wk or longer. Doses of 5 mg/kg twice daily mixed in formula for lambs and 10 mg/kg twice daily mixed in moistened pellets for older lambs and yearlings were tolerated well with minimal side effects. All animals in this case report remain Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae free over 2 yr later. Further evaluation is warranted to confirm efficacy of this therapeutic approach.
Keywords: Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae; Ovis canadensis; Bighorn sheep; doxycycline; pasteurella; respiratory disease.
© Wildlife Disease Association 2023.