Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) influence predator populations and threaten the stability of ecosystems. Understanding the prevalence and impact of rodenticides in predators is crucial to inform conservation planning and policy. We collected dead birds of four nocturnal predatory species across differing landscapes: forests, agricultural, urban. Liver samples were analysed for eight ARs: three First Generation ARs (FGARs) and five SGARs (Second Generation ARs). We investigated interspecific differences in liver concentrations and whether landscape composition influenced this. FGARs were rarely detected, except pindone at low concentrations in powerful owls Ninox strenua. SGARs, however, were detected in every species and 92 % of birds analysed. Concentrations of SGARs were at levels where potential toxicological or lethal impacts would have occurred in 33 % of powerful owls, 68 % of tawny frogmouths Podargus strigoides, 42 % of southern boobooks N. bookbook and 80 % of barn owls Tyto javanica. When multiple SGARs were detected, the likelihood of potentially lethal concentrations of rodenticides increased. There was no association between landscape composition and SGAR exposure, or the presence of multiple SGARs, suggesting rodenticide poisoning is ubiquitous across all landscapes sampled. This widespread human-driven contamination in wildlife is a major threat to wildlife health. Given the high prevalence and concentrations of SGARs in these birds across all landscape types, we support the formal consideration of SGARs as a threatening process. Furthermore, given species that do not primarily eat rodents (tawny frogmouths, powerful owls) have comparable liver rodenticide concentrations to rodent predators (southern boobook, eastern barn owl), it appears there is broader contamination of the food-web than anticipated. We provide evidence that SGARs have the potential to pose a threat to the survival of avian predator populations. Given the functional importance of predators in ecosystems, combined with the animal welfare impacts of these chemicals, we propose governments should regulate the use of SGARs.
Keywords: Frogmouths; Owls; Predator; Rodenticide; SGARs; Secondary poisoning.
Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.