Modern acupuncture anesthesia is the application of acupuncture-related therapies to optimize the perioperative management which is based on the combined acupuncture-medicine anesthesia technology, and building a perioperative acupuncture anesthesia accelerated rehabilitation system. Based on the thoracic surgery, this paper analyzes and summarizes the application effects of modern acupuncture anesthesia, focusing on preoperative anxiety relief and advanced analgesia; reduce the dosage of anesthetics, stable respiration and hemodynamics, anti-stress and organ protection during surgery; postoperative analgesia, prevention of nausea, vomiting and cognitive impairment, improvement of gastrointestinal function, prevention of cognitive impairment, and enhancement of immunity. It is anticipated that this review may provide a basis for the further promotion and application of modern acupuncture anesthesia in clinical practice.
Keywords: Clinical practice; Modern acupuncture anesthesia; Perioperative period; Thoracic surgery.