In April 2023, following the annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) ratification vote on newly proposed taxa, the phylum Negarnaviricota was amended and emended. The phylum was expanded by one new family, 14 new genera, and 140 new species. Two genera and 538 species were renamed. One species was moved, and four were abolished. This article presents the updated taxonomy of Negarnaviricota as now accepted by the ICTV.
Keywords: Aliusviridae; Arenaviridae; Articulavirales; Artoviridae; Aspiviridae; Bornaviridae; Bunyavirales; Crepuscuviridae; Discoviridae; Filoviridae; Fimoviridae; Goujianvirales; Hantaviridae; ICTV; International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses; Jingchuvirales; Lispiviridae; Mononegavirales; Muvirales; Mymonaviridae; Myriaviridae; Nairoviridae; Natareviridae; Negarnaviricota; Nyamiviridae; Orthomyxoviridae; Orthornavirae; Paramyxoviridae; Peribunyaviridae; Phasmaviridae; Phenuiviridae; Pneumoviridae; Rhabdoviridae; Riboviria; Serpentovirales; Sunviridae; Tenuivirus; Tosoviridae; Tospoviridae; Tulasviridae; articulaviral; bunyaviral; bunyavirus; goujianviral; megaclassification; megataxonomy; mononegaviral; muviral; negarnaviricot; serpentoviral; virus classification; virus nomenclature; virus taxonomy.