Purpose: To report macular neurovascular abnormalities in a child with incontinentia pigmenti using handheld optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography (OCT-A).
Methods: An eye of a child with incontinentia pigmenti enrolled in BabySTEPS was imaged using an investigational noncontact, handheld swept-source OCT device during examination under anesthesia. Custom MATLAB scripts were used to generate depth-resolved vascular slabs, B-scans with flow overlay, and retinal thickness maps.
Results: Depth-resolved OCT and OCT-A imaging demonstrated focal areas of decreased capillary flow that corresponded to areas of both inner retinal and outer retinal thinning on retinal thickness maps. Atypical diving of superficial retinal vessels occurred as they traversed from thin retina to normal-thickness retina.
Conclusion: Depth-resolved OCT and OCT-A identified retinal vascular abnormalities that were not evident on fundus photography or fluorescein angiography. This case depicted concurrent, localized abnormalities in retinal thickness and microvasculature in an eye with incontinentia pigmenti.