[Organ donation is not a gift]

Soins. 2023 Sep;68(878):52-53. doi: 10.1016/j.soin.2023.07.013. Epub 2023 Aug 14.
[Article in French]


If the obligation to donate as defined by French law ("we are all donors") remains in the wake of sociologist Marcel Mauss's Essai sur le don (Essay on donation), there the similarity ends. How do you make a counter-donation to a deceased person? In the case of inter vivos organ donation, the act is more akin to mutualization than donation.

Keywords: consentement présumé; don d’organe; donneur vivant; greffe; law; living donor; loi; mutualisation; mutualization; organ donation; presumed consent; solidarity; solidarité; transplant.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Health Personnel
  • Humans
  • Organ Transplantation*
  • Tissue Donors
  • Tissue and Organ Procurement*