The pathogenesis of osteomalacia was investigated in three patients with chronic metabolic acidosis. Serum levels of parathyroid hormone and vitamin D metabolites were measured, and bone biopsy specimens were analyzed after double tetracycline labeling. Parathyroid hormone concentrations were normal in patients 1 and 3 and slightly elevated in patient 2. Vitamin D metabolism was undisturbed. Static indicators of bone remodeling substantiated the diagnosis of osteomalacia in each case. In patient 1 fluorescent microscopy revealed no evidence of tetracycline uptake. In patients 2 and 3 active mineralization was evident at all osteoid seams, but because double labels were rare, the mineral apposition rate appears to have been substantially reduced in most bone-forming units. Our results indicate that acidosis-induced osteomalacia, unlike that due to vitamin D deficiency, may be associated with mineral deposition at every possible site. Nevertheless, like other causes of osteomalacia, metabolic acidosis prevents mineral apposition at a normal rate even if mineral deposition is ubiquitous. We suggest that titration of newly deposited phosphate causes the observed impairment of mineral apposition and ultimately leads to osteomalacia.