An adult male free-living yellow armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus) was found by hunters and referred for clinical evaluation because of a tumour-like lesion on the carapace. The animal was lethargic and weak with severe dehydration, enophthalmos and cachexia, and was euthanized because of its very poor clinical condition. Necropsy revealed a whitish, exophytic, irregular and moist mass (7 × 6.5 × 1.5 cm) in the caudal third of the carapace. On cut section, the mass was hard, compact, irregular and whitish. Histopathology revealed a densely cellular, expansive, poorly delimited neoplasm composed of malignant mesenchymal cells arranged in islands and cords, interspersed by numerous areas of irregularly mineralized osteoid matrix. Neoplastic cells were intensely immunolabelled for vimentin. The diagnosis of a high-grade osteosarcoma of osteoblastic subtype was based on the clinical, gross, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. This first report of an osteosarcoma in an armadillo expands the list of armadillo diseases and will assist the management of these animals by veterinarians.
Keywords: armadillo disease; carapace; mesenchymal neoplasm; osteoid matrix.
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