About NOIRS: The National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS) is the only conference solely dedicated to occupational injury research and prevention. The 8th NOIRS, sponsored by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and several partners, was held on May 10-12, 2022. NOIRS was held entirely virtually in response to concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic and honoring the symposium theme "Preventing Workplace Injuries in a Changing World." About this Special Issue: The intent of this issue is to highlight the breadth of high-quality presentations at NOIRS, and to make them available to those who did not participate in the conference. This issue includes three short communication articles and nine research articles. Featured research articles in this special issue span a wide variety of methods, data sources, and worker populations. They address leading and emerging causes and contributors to occupational injury in a range of industries and occupations. Concluding Remarks: We hope that this special issue provides readers with a view into some of the research presented at the 2022 NOIRS. We also hope the articles are useful for research and practice, and thinking toward the future.
Keywords: Conference; Editorial; Future of work; Injury prevention; Occupational; Safety.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.