The clinical use of Integra™ has expanded to include scalp reconstruction since its FDA approval in 1996. Integra™, or dermal regeneration template, can be utilized in patients who are elderly with multiple medical comorbidities. Well-established Integra™ techniques utilize skin grafting 1-2 weeks following evidence of template vascularity. Most studies show the time to graft placement as <30 days, with almost all <52 days. No single article proposes a time frame for applying STSG after neodermis regeneration. Therefore, we aimed to describe our protocol to define a time frame for delaying scalp reconstruction with STSG following dermal regeneration. Over the last several years, the senior author has utilized a delayed reconstruction with skin grafting method where-in Integra™ is applied to either debrided bone or exposed pericranium in selected patients, and allowed to mature for ~6 weeks before performing skin grafting. The results have been predictable, reproducible, and have yielded high levels of patient and provider satisfaction due to the improved contour cosmesis. In this pictorial essay, the authors' novel protocol is detailed.
Keywords: Scalp reconstruction; contour; dermal regeneration template; skin graft.
© 2023 The Authors. Head & Neck published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.