Migratory fishes cross or settle in several environments potentially polluted. Psychiatric drugs, which represent one growing pollution and are found in discharges from waste-water treatment plants, may alter individual behaviors. Here, we assessed behavioral alterations in the upstream migratory behavior of Anguilla anguilla caused by diazepam, an anxiolytic. We monitored the swimming activity, swimming behavior, and boldness to assess whether diazepam impacts them or not. Our 7-day behavioral follow-up allowed us to test the kinetics of the potential effects of diazepam. We found diazepam reduced swimming activity and altered individual swimming behavior, with fewer individuals swimming against the current, so swimming upstream. Those effects varied over time and were stronger at the end of our monitoring, suggesting chemical pollutants encountered in estuaries may act as a chemical burden for individuals, despite metabolisation. We also found diazepam favored bolder behavior in glass eels. Our results provide new knowledge on chemical pollution and psychiatric drugs inducing behavioral alterations. Those alterations may have ecological and evolutionary consequences for glass eels, by diminishing predator avoidance and impacting spatial colonization, and thus, local density.
Keywords: Activity; Behavioral alterations; Benzodiazepine; Boldness; Chemical contamination; European eel; Exploratory behavior; Glass eel; Migratory behavior; Upstream migration.
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