There has been rising interest in using model-informed precision dosing to provide personalized medicine to patients at the bedside. This methodology utilizes population pharmacokinetic models, measured drug concentrations from individual patients, pharmacodynamic biomarkers, and Bayesian estimation to estimate pharmacokinetic parameters and predict concentration-time profiles in individual patients. Using these individualized parameter estimates and simulated drug exposure, dosing recommendations can be generated to maximize target attainment to improve beneficial effect and minimize toxicity. However, the accuracy of the output from this evaluation is highly dependent on the population pharmacokinetic model selected. This tutorial provides a comprehensive approach to evaluating, selecting, and validating a model for input and implementation into a model-informed precision dosing program. A step-by-step outline to validate successful implementation into a precision dosing tool is described using the clinical software platforms Edsim++ and MwPharm++ as examples.
© 2023 The Authors. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.