Miscommunication of antiviral and antibacterial immune signals drives worsened morbidity and mortality during respiratory viral-bacterial coinfections. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a form of intercellular communication with broad implications during infection, and here we show that epithelium-derived EVs released during the antiviral response impair the antibacterial activity of macrophages, an innate immune cell crucial for bacterial control in the airway. Macrophages exposed to antiviral EVs display reduced clearance of Staphylococcus aureus as well as altered inflammatory signaling and anti-inflammatory metabolic reprogramming, thus revealing EVs as a source of dysregulated epithelium-macrophage crosstalk during coinfection. As effective epithelium-macrophage communication is critical in mounting an appropriate immune response, this novel observation of epithelium-macrophage crosstalk shaping macrophage metabolism and antimicrobial function provides exciting new insight and improves our understanding of immune dysfunction during respiratory coinfections.
Keywords: antiviral signaling; extracellular vesicles; host-pathogen interactions; macrophage; respiratory epithelium.