T cells are important for the control of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a common and often deadly malignancy. We observed that some AML patient samples are resistant to killing by human engineered cytotoxic CD4 + T cells. Single-cell RNA-seq of primary AML samples and CD4 + T cells before and after their interaction uncovered transcriptional programs that correlate with AML sensitivity or resistance to CD4 + T cell killing. Resistance-associated AML programs were enriched in AML patients with poor survival, and killing-resistant AML cells did not engage T cells in vitro . Killing-sensitive AML potently activated T cells before being killed, and upregulated ICAM1 , a key component of the immune synapse with T cells. Without ICAM1, killing-sensitive AML became resistant to killing to primary ex vivo -isolated CD8 + T cells in vitro , and engineered CD4 + T cells in vitro and in vivo . Thus, ICAM1 on AML acts as an immune trigger, allowing T cell killing, and could affect AML patient survival in vivo .
Significance: AML is a common leukemia with sub-optimal outcomes. We show that AML transcriptional programs correlate with susceptibility to T cell killing. Killing resistance-associated AML programs are enriched in patients with poor survival. Killing-sensitive, but not resistant AML activate T cells and upregulate ICAM1 that binds to LFA-1 on T cells, allowing immune synapse formation which is critical for AML elimination.