Thirty seven cases of malignant melanoma, all before 20 years old people were reviewed from the records of the Lariboisière-Saint Louis Melanoma Group. Clinical characteristics were similar to those encountered in adults. However, the incidence was higher around puberty and in a pre-existing naevus (20 patients, 54%). Histologically, it was often difficult to differentiate between Spitz melanoma and a common naevus. Prognostic factors appear to be similar to those in adults. No case of naevus of less than 2 mm thickness metastasized, relapse occurring in nodular melanoma (8/14) and when the level in invasion was deep (6/13). Overall survival of 70% at 5 years is comparable to that in over 20 years old group (58%) but better than in other studies on children who did no received chemotherapy. Early detection (difficult in children) offers the best chance of cure.