Purpose: To evaluate the current literature on the effects of anatomic changes caused by the Latarjet procedure and to identify areas for future research.
Methods: English-language studies that addressed the consequences of anatomic alterations after the open Latarjet procedure were included. Articles written in languages other than English, reviews, and case reports were excluded. Titles and abstracts were screened by 2 authors. Studies that met the inclusion criteria were screened by the same authors. The following data were extracted from the included studies: authors, year of publication, journal, country of origin, aims or purpose, study population and sample size, methods, procedure, intervention type, and key findings that relate to the scoping review questions.
Results: Twenty-two studies were included for analysis, yielding the following findings: First, the Latarjet procedure may change the position of the scapula owing to pectoralis minor tenotomy and/or transfer of the conjoint tendon. Second, dissection of the coracoacromial ligament may result in increased superior translation of the humeral head. The impact of this increased translation on patients' function remains unclear. Third, the subscapularis split shows, overall, better internal rotation strength compared with subscapularis tenotomy. Fourth, passive external rotation may be limited after capsular repair. Fifth, despite the movement of the conjoint tendon, elbow function seems unchanged. Finally, the musculocutaneous nerve is lengthened with a changed penetration angle into the coracobrachialis muscle, but the clinical impact seems limited.
Conclusions: The Latarjet procedure leads to anatomic and biomechanical changes in the shoulder. Areas of future research may include better documentation of scapular movement (bilateral, as well as preoperative and postoperative) and elbow function, the effect of (degenerative) rotator cuff ruptures after the Latarjet procedure on shoulder function, and the impact of capsular closure and its contribution to the development of glenohumeral osteoarthritis.
Clinical relevance: This comprehensive overview of anatomic changes after the Latarjet procedure, with its effects on shoulder and elbow function, showed gaps in the current literature. Orthopaedic shoulder surgeons and physical therapists could use our findings when providing patient information and performing future clinical research.
© 2023 The Authors.